When you try to narrow it down to its very essence, what is truly so special about Mandala? It’s what we call the “Spirit of Mandala.”
It’s the spirit of relationship and connection and the feeling of community. That’s what draws people in. That’s what compels our staff to stay with us. Even when parents can’t define it, they feel something different here.
Young children learn best in relationship. Positive connection makes real learning possible. And that’s what we do best at Mandala.
When our “Founding Mothers” took a giant step into the unknown more than 45 years ago, they did not know then that they were far ahead of their time. Three young women sat down with a vision of a very different kind of preschool. They wanted to educate children in a holistic way. They also wanted to support parents and staff. Mandala’s model of leadership was rooted in collaboration and consensus.
Now, years later, the Mandala vision is respected as the new way. Social emotional education (nurturing children’s awareness of their feelings, teaching empathy, and respecting our wider world) is seen as indispensable in the work force where teamwork is essential. “Teaching to the Whole Child” and “Following a Developmental Model” are now commonplace in early childhood curriculums. Inclusiveness is expected today—not something extraordinary, as it was when Mandala first started. Peace-building skills are a necessity in our modern culture as we realize we are creating global citizens for the future. These principles have been the cornerstone of Mandala’s model since its early beginnings.
Our great wealth at Mandala is not financial. It is the deep satisfaction of doing meaningful work that touches children’s lives and changes them. The true wealth is that we are changed in the process.
Whether you and your child journey with us for a short time or long, we know you too will be touched by this spirit of relationship and care.
We look forward to having you join our Mandala Family.
Julie Saccento, Administrative Director and Atty Rosas, OTR/L, Director of Family Resources
with Anne Kangas, L.C.S.W., Clinical Consultant/Former Head of School