Summer Program 2017

Summer Program 2017

Followed by a two-week break at the end of the school year, Mandala offers a six-week summer school program divided into three 2-week sessions. Each session has a different theme. Parents may enroll for any number of sessions. Based on enrollment, we will be willing to work with your schedule during the summer.

The summer program is relaxed and fun. There is slightly less structure and a greater emphasis on creative expression, outdoor exploratory experiences, and theme-based activities involving movement and imagination. Literature and small group are integrated into these themes so that a cohesive curriculum is experienced by the child. During the day, the children also have the opportunity to work with the Montessori materials in our math, language, sensorial, and practical life areas guided by our Montessori-trained teachers.


MANDALA SUMMER CAMP 2017 – Preschool: Bumblebees & Fireflies

The teachers are excited about our Summer Camp program at Mandala this year. It will be an amazing experience of hands-on activities filled with themed-learning each week.

Session I: Music, Dance, and Drama exposes the children to a variety of expressive activities, from dancing, musical instruments, and classical music to puppet plays and acting in their own Three Piggy Opera. They will end with a performance for all.

Session II: Art for Amateurs is filled with multiple hands-on creative art projects involving different types of media, as well as time for looking at art by the Great Masters. At the end of the session, they will have an “Art and Juice Festival” to showcase their own art. If your child likes to make messes, this is the place for you.

Session III: Science & Inventions is the session for curious minds. The children will do science experiments and explore nature in our beautiful outdoor setting. They will design a roller coaster and even make a rocket ship, which is quite a thrill. They may even try to have their own little science fair.


MANDALA SUMMER CAMP 2017 – Early Preschool: Cocoons & Caterpillars
The Early Preschool Summer Camp program is similar to the Preschool but with activities on a smaller scale.

Session I: Little Performers will give children a chance to engage in puppet play, a marching band, a bear hunt, costume dress-up play and learn new music and movement.

Session II: Budding Artists offers children the creative opportunity to try everything from painting to music to painting with bubble wrap. They will make outdoor murals with chalk and pottery with clay, as well as explore making art with various other unusual mediums.

Session II: Early Explorers will pretend to be “jungle explorers” and “ice block detectives.” They will also enjoy sink and float activities, color mixing, magnet play, and giant bubbles. They will even make their own ice cream and popsicles and eat them on the last day.

To enroll for our Summer Camp Program, please click this link to download the Summer Camp Information & Registration Form.



Six Weeks: June 19 – July 28, 2017
Session I: June 19 – June 30 / Session II: July 3-14 / Session III: July 17-28

2017 Summer Camp Themes
Session I - Music, Dance & Drama (PS) ~ Little Performers (EPS)
Session III - Amateur Artists (PS) ~ Budding Artists (EPS)
Session III - Science & Inventions (PS) ~ Early Explorers (EPS)
Early Preschool (Ages 2-3)
1 Session2 Sessions3 Sessions
Cocoons2 day3 hours9:00-12:00T/TH$210 (2 Weeks)$420 (4 Weeks)$630 (6 Weeks)
Caterpillar3 day3 hours9:00-12:00MWF$265 (2 Weeks)$530 (4 Weeks)$795 (6 Weeks)
AM Preschool (Age 3-5)
1 Session2 Sessions3 Sessions

2 day3 hours9:00-12:00T/TH$200 (2 Weeks)$400 (4 Weeks)$600 (6 Weeks)
3 day3 hours9:00-12:00MWF$260 (2 Weeks)$520 (4 Weeks)$780 (6 Weeks)
5 day3 hours9:00-12:00M-F$375 (2 Weeks)$750 (4 Weeks)$1125 (6 Weeks)
Expanded Day Preschool (Age 3-5)
1 Session2 Sessions3 Sessions

2 day5 1/2 hours9:00-2:30
Bring Lunch
(2 Weeks)
(4 Weeks)
(6 Weeks)
3 day5 1/2 hours9:00-2:30
Bring Lunch
(2 Weeks)
(4 Weeks)
(6 Weeks)
5 day5 1/2 hours9:00-2:30
Bring Lunch
(2 Weeks)
(4 Weeks)
(6 Weeks)

Lunch Bunch
2 day¾ hour11:45-12:30T/TH$80$800
3 day¾ hour11:45-12:30WMF$120$1200
5 day¾ hour11:45-12:30M-F$200$2000

Registration Fees
Summer Only - Registration Fee
Continuing Families Summer & Fall - Registration Fee + Activity Fee
$125 + $75
New Families Summer & Fall - Registration Fee + Activity Fee
$175 + $75
All non-refundable fees are due upon confirmation of enrollment.

NOTE: Drop-in lunch is $15/space available.