

We offer Montessori preschool class options to meet the unique developmental needs of EACH child. Class placements are made by the Administrative staff in close collaboration with parents. The classes below are suited for children in the 3-5 year age group. We will help you determine the best fit for your child.

Ages 3-5 • Ratio 8:1
Mornings T/TH – M/W/F – M-F • 9:00am-12:00pm

Children need to be three years old and potty trained by September 1st to attend this traditional Montessori preschool class. This class is for the child who is developmentally ready to handle more choice, additional classmates, and more transitions in a larger learning environment. Children are learning academics through self-organizing Montessori materials that teach math, language, reading and writing through whole-body learning experiences. They are also learning the social-regulation skills necessary for school success: how to take initiative with peers, engage in cooperative play, manage emotions, follow instructions, share thoughts and feelings, and negotiate conflicts. Character-building is a unique feature of this class.

Ages 3-5 • Ratio 7:1
Afternoons M/W/Th/F • 1:15pm-4:15pm

The Afternoon Ladybug class mirrors the curriculum and structure of the Morning Ladybug class but with a slightly smaller group. The unique timing of this class provides a slower pace and a quiet, peaceful campus, which is beneficial to many students. Teachers craft their daily routine around the needs of the children and intentionally work with each student to further develop their social and emotional skills. Like the Morning Ladybugs, the afternoon class is learning academics through self-organizing Montessori materials that teach math, language, and reading/writing through whole-body experiences. Afternoon Ladybugs are also learning how to take initiative with peers, engage in cooperative play, manage emotions, follow directions, share thoughts/ feelings, & negotiate conflict.

Ages 3-4 • T/TH – M/W/F – M-F • 9:00am-3:00pm • Ratio 8:1

This class is by recommendation only and is the ideal option for the Preschooler who is ready to extend their school day, but who is not yet of age to attend our Dragonfly program. Ladybugs in this class participate in the morning preschool program, bring their lunch, and spend the afternoons engaged in a second work time, more outdoor time, and further social skills practice. The Expanded Day Ladybug class joins with the Dragonflies for pieces of the afternoon, but also spend time in their own group working on enriching and developmentally appropriate activities.

Click here to see our Schedule of Classes & Tuition.
Click here to download our Class Sessions Chart.